Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, sometimes referred to as a "breast aug" or "boob job" by patients, involves using breast implants or fat transfer to increase the size of your breasts. This procedure can also restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy, achieve a more rounded breast shape or improve natural breast size asymmetry.

For some women, breast augmentation is a way to feel more confident. For others, it's part of rebuilding the breast for various conditions. If you're considering breast augmentation, talk to a plastic surgeon. Make sure you understand what surgery involves, including possible risks, complications and follow-up care.

Our is staff is equally proficient at performing the most advanced and minimally-invasive procedures and will leave you with the results you are dreaming of.


Treatment Options


Cohesive Gel Implants (Gummy Bear implants)

Gummy bear breast implants are one of the options available for breast augmentation. The term “gummy bear” is actually a nickname for these teardrop-shaped, gel-based implants. They’re known to retain their shape better than other types of breast implants made from saline and silicone.

  • Create a natural breast appearance in both shape and feel

  • Stay in place without shifting

  • Filled with thicker silicone gel


Saline Implants

Saline-filled implants are available to all women for breast augmentation over the age of 18. A silicone shell is inserted into the body and then filled to its desired volume by a board-certified plastic surgeon with saline fluid. Saline has the consistency of water.

  • Offer a firmer feel

  • Require smaller incisions

  • Less expensive than other types of implants

  • Filled with a sterile saltwater


Silicone Implants

Silicone gel is an inert polymer with no known human allergies, sensitivities or reactions. Like a gummy bear candy, the molecules are stuck to one another in a cohesive matrix. Silicone is more viscous than saline. In contrast to saline, it flows differently within its shell and can often create a more natural look and feel to the breast, like breast tissue. Women must be 22 years of age or older to be offered silicone gel implants for breast augmentation, as per the FDA's regulations.

  • Offer a more natural feel comparable to real breast tissue

  • Low risk of rupture

  • Filled with silicone gel


Fat Transfer


Also known as natural breast augmentation, fat transfer breast augmentation will enhance your breasts without the use of implants. This procedure utilizes liposuction to collect fat from the patient’s body and transfer it to the breasts. Fat transfer breast augmentation offers the following benefits:

  • Reduces the risks associated with artificial implants

  • Fat originating from your body is less likely to be rejected

  • Faster recovery and less scarring

  • Liposuction has the added benefit of contouring other areas of your body

  • More natural-looking results than with breast implants