What's The Difference Between A Mini And A Full Tummy Tuck?

Deciding Between a Mini Tummy Tuck & A Full Tummy Tuck

During the consultation, the Dr. will carefully weigh your options to help you decide whether to opt for a mini tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck. If laxity and excess skin is concentrated below your navel, a mini tummy tuck may be right for you. If you desire to correct excessive skin, muscle separation, and bulging of the upper abdomen, then a full tummy tuck may be your only solution.

Mini Tummy Tuck

  • A mini tummy tuck involves a smaller incision around your bikini area; no incision is required around your belly button. Once excess skin and fat are removed through the incision, permanent sutures will be placed to tighten abdominal muscles.

  • A mini tummy tuck is often performed in conjunction with liposuction of the upper abdomen and the flank areas.

  • A mini tummy tuck can also be performed under a local anesthetic as opposed to general anesthesia for a full procedure. The resulting scarring is much smaller and is located low enough to be concealed beneath a bathing suit or underwear.

Full Tummy Tuck

  • A full tummy tuck involves an incision around the belly button and another incision on the lower abdomen. During this procedure, the excess skin and fat is removed, and the entire abdominal wall is tightened with permanent sutures.

  • Typically requires 4 hours in surgery, a mini tummy tuck can usually be performed in about an hour.

  •  Full tummy tuck remains the best option for patients seeking to address muscle separation and flabby skin above the belly button that cannot be corrected with a mini tummy tuck.


Amount of Skin Tightening
 A "full” tummy tuck has the ability to tighten tummy skin from the  level of the ribs, above, to the pubis, below. The same cannot be  claimed for a "mini” tummy tuck which can only tighten the lower tummy,  starting just above the belly button and down to the pubis. If loose  skin above the level of the navel must be tightened, a "full” tummy tuck  is required. If the loose skin is confined to the area below the navel,  a "mini" may be a reasonable option.

Tightening the Muscles of the Tummy
 A "full” tummy tuck tightens the "abs" from the ribs, above, to  the pubis, below. With a "mini” tummy tuck, only the segment of muscle  below the level of the belly button gets tightened. As a consequence,  the "mini" is only appropriate when the muscles of the upper part of the  tummy are already in fairly good "shape." If that's not the case, a  "full” tummy tuck is likely required.

Managing the Belly Button
 During a "full” tummy tuck, there is a very large shift of skin,  in the tightening process, requiring the surgical maneuver of "floating"  the navel and relocating it, to maintain its normal position in the  "new" overlying skin. This, as was mentioned above, introduces a risk  that the resulting scar around the perimeter of the belly button may  turn out to be visible and distracting. On the other hand, when a "mini”  tummy tuck is performed, no incision is made around the navel, and  hence, no belly button scar. The belly button is, however, pulled down  in the direction of the pubis, and it may be changed to more of a  "slit-like” appearance in the process.

If you have further questions regarding a tummy tuck, please feel free to cll and speak to one of our professional and friendly consultants. If you would like to be seen and evaluated for a tummy tuck, you can also schedule a consultation below.

Evan Morgan