What Is A Brow Lift And Are You A Good Candidate For One?


What Is A Brow Lift?

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates and tightens the soft tissues of the forehead, eyebrows, and upper eyelids. While minimally invasive in nature, it can produce dramatic effects on your appearance. It is a well-known fact that the first signs of aging usually manifest as sagging eyebrows and wrinkled forehead. By reversing the effects of gravity and raising the drooping eyebrows, a brow lift will restore your natural vibrancy, giving you a more alert and refreshed appearance.

Are You the Right Candidate?

The eyes are the window to the soul. While you may or may not agree with this old saying, your eyes certainly give the most direct insight into your emotional state and physical well-being. When you look in the mirror, do you find yourself appearing too worn out for someone your age? Do you seem exhausted even after getting enough sleep the night before? Do you appear unhappy even if nothing has ruined your day? If the answer to these questions is “yes,” then a brow lift just may be the right procedure for you. This procedure directly addresses the following issues that cause a perpetually unhappy, worried or tired appearance:

·            Frown lines or vertical creases between the eyebrows

·            Drooping or heavy eyebrow appearance

·            Deep wrinkles and horizontal creases across the forehead

·            Excess skin tissue above your eyes

One of the top plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, Pomona and the Inland Empire, Dr. can either perform a brow lift by itself or combine it with the following procedures for maximum rejuvenation results:

·            Facelift

·            Upper or lower blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)

·            Laser skin resurfacing

Choosing the Right Procedure

Once you have chosen to have a brow lift, you will elect a specific technique most suitable to your unique anatomy and goals. Dr. will assist you in making this crucial first step towards a plastic surgery during a consultation. He will take into account your age, ethnicity, and skin type before making the most informed recommendation.

A consultation allows Dr. to carefully assess your needs and discuss your desired brow lift results. He is known to dedicate a substantial amount of time to an in-person examination in order to better evaluate the imperfections in need of revision. Realizing the importance of building a close personal rapport with patients prior to surgery, Dr. insists on giving each prospective patient enough time to present reasons for desiring a brow lift and then going over every step involved in this procedure.  

Following a careful and personalized assessment of your goals, Dr. will recommend one of the three available techniques for performing this procedure: endoscopic, coronal, or temporal brow lift.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

Minimally invasive yet highly effective, endoscopic brow lift has recently become something of a golden standard in the field. During the surgery, Dr. will make a few fine incisions just behind the hairline. He will then insert a tiny camera into one of the incisions to view the tissue and avoid the nerve damage. Using other incisions, he will gently lift the underlying tissues and, if necessary, remove any excess fat above your eyes. Because endoscopic brow lifts require smaller incisions than other techniques, you will experience less bruising and faster healing.

Coronal Brow Lift

A coronal brow lift is often called a classic brow lift because it relies on a traditional surgical method of elevating drooping brows. Instead of relying on a series of small cuts, it calls for a single long incision. The procedure is often deemed more suitable for the patients with smaller foreheads. 

When utilizing this technique, Dr. takes a special care to conceal the cut behind the hairline in order to avoid visible scarring. In addition to repositioning the underlying tissues, he will also lift the forehead and trim the excess skin before closing the incision. 

Temporal Brow Lift

Also known as a limited incision brow lift, a temporal brow lift is a minimally-invasive procedure that does not treat the full eyebrow area. The procedure focuses on the lateral brow area, which tends to sag as we age. A temporal brow lift can be performed under a local anesthetic and has the added benefit of shorter recovery times. It is frequently combined with a blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) to produce strikingly rejuvenating results.

Getting Ready for a Brow Lift

Prior to surgery, Dr. will instruct you to stop smoking and avoid medications that may contribute to increased bleeding during a brow lift. The day before surgery, you should take care not to drink or eat anything after midnight. On the morning of surgery, take a prescribed nausea medication with a small sip of water and refrain from wearing makeup or perfume. 

Keep in mind that a brow lift is performed under anesthesia. You will not be in the condition to drive after this procedure, so be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery.

Recovery After a Brow Lift

Most patients experience some degree of bruising and swelling immediately after a brow lift. Swelling will peak during the first 36 to 48 hours after the procedure and gradually resolve over the following 2 weeks.  During the healing process, you may experience some numbness or temporary itching that will resolve over time.

Dr. will provide you with specific instructions to ensure that you recovery proceeds as comfortably as possible. Generally he recommends the following steps:

·            Applying cold compresses to manage swelling

·            Keeping your head elevated while resting

·            Avoiding pressure on your incisions

·            Taking pain medication when necessary

During the second week following your surgery, Dr. will remove the sutures from your incisions. Typically, he will recommend resuming daily activities one week after the procedure, but refrain from strenuous physical exercises. After two weeks, you should be free to enjoy a fully active lifestyle. Be sure to contact Dr. if you experience chest pain, shortness of breath or irregular heartbeat.

Dr. and his staff are committed to treating patients with the highest consideration and care. They will follow up after the procedure to ensure that you are following a smooth recovery process.  

For more information on brow lifts, check out plasticsurgery.org

Our Dr’s are double and triple board-certified plastic surgeons with multiple offices in southern California. During your consultation, they will help you determine which treatments are best for you. To schedule your consultation, please call (310) 281-0154  or fill out our contact form today. 

Evan Morgan