Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: The Trend Taking 2019 by Storm

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: The Trend Taking 2019 by Storm

When we think of non-surgical cosmetic procedures, we often imagine numerous peels, fillers, and lasers designed to fill in deep wrinkles, enhance fuller lips, or treat acne scarring. Can there be such a thing as a non-surgical nose job, however? Too many of us associate rhinoplasty with a time-consuming and invasive surgery that requires a prolonged recovery combined with forbidding costs. As it turns out, a non-surgical rhinoplasty is poised to become one of the most rapidly growing cosmetic trends of 2019. As a top specialist in minimally-invasive plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments, My Med Spa LA is proud to offer this treatment in our Beverly Hills and Inland Empire offices performed by our top surgeon.

 What is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty


A non-surgical rhinoplasty falls under the category of injectable fillers. It typically utilizes hyaluronic acid found in other popular fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane. Before electing this treatment, you should understand what it can and cannot do. The procedure is ideal for those patients who seek to enhance nostril symmetry or smooth out a bump on the nose without surgical intervention. It does not, however, permanently alter the anatomical structure of the nose. Rather, it camouflages the imperfections, giving your nose a more refined and straighter appearance. In addition, not all of your rhinoplasty expectations can be fulfilled by a non-surgical nose job. Specifically, it cannot make your nose smaller. For those of you who wish to reduce the size of your nose, Dr. will expertly perform a traditional rhinoplasty.


As for the good news, a non-surgical nose job is not only significantly less expensive than its surgical equivalent. It also requires no downtime. The procedure itself takes only 15 to 20 minutes, which qualifies it as a “lunchtime treatment.” Dr. uses very fine needles to inject filler in a manner that keeps discomfort to the absolute minimum. Once you are done with treatment, you are free to return to work and resume your ordinary activities.


A top plastic surgeon serving Beverly Hills, Pomona, and Apple Valley, Dr. remains at the forefront of innovations in the field of minimally-invasive procedures. Call (310) 281-0154 to schedule a consultation or click the “Book Consultation” button and find out if a non-surgical rhinoplasty is right for you!

Article written by Andrey Gordienko composed and arranged by Evan Morgan

Evan Morgan