Fat Transfer: Safe Approach to Plastic Surgery to Yield Long-Lasting Results

Fat Transfer: Safe Approach to Plastic Surgery to Yield Long-Lasting Results


In recent years, fat transfer has become one of the hottest trends in plastic surgery and for a good reason. To begin with, it is remarkably safe because fat grafts originating from your body are less likely to be rejected. Essentially, this procedure treats "like with like" by transferring fat from the patient's own body into other bodily areas lacking in volume.

Not surprisingly, fat transfer became especially popular among the patients seeking breast augmentation or butt lifts. This procedure, however, can be easily incorporated into a variety of treatments, producing superior results and minimal recovery periods. Recognized for his abilities to produce natural results, Beverly Hills plastic surgeon uses this method to collect unwanted fat via liposuction before transferring it to target areas such as breasts or buttocks. In each case, excess fat is injected into the desired areas to eliminate sagging skin and produce a firmer, perkier appearance. Since fat transfer doesn’t require longer incisions associated with the implants, it produces minimal scarring and faster healing times. Most importantly, your results will stand the test of time because fat grafts are less likely to be rejected by your body than artificial implants.

Since fat transfer produces long-lasting results, plastic surgeons are increasingly using it in place of fillers, which produce temporary rejuvenating effects. Drs. utilizes excess fat harvested from your body to restore facial and body contour, correct acne scars, and treat sunken cheeks. Under his expert care, this procedure will correct an overall loss of fat volume that causes the appearance of aging in the facial area. In some cases, fat transfer can be performed concurrently with the facelift to deliver dramatic rejuvenation results.

Lastly, you may be surprised to find out that fat transfer also benefits the environment. In fact, this procedure uses the same principle of recycling embraced by the green movement. Think about it: When you perform liposuction alone, you remove all of your unwanted fat and simply discard it. Why not recycle it to rejuvenate your appearance? With fat transfer, you can be good to your body and go easy on the environment at the same time.

 Benefits of Fat Transfer

  • Autologous fat (from your own body), as opposed to dermal fillers, replaces “like with like,” reducing the chance of allergic reactions to foreign substances.

  • Fat transfer results are natural, long lasting and safe.

  • Fat transfer is a noninvasive method for achieving facial rejuvenation.

Are you a good candidate for a fat transfer?

The purpose of fat grafting is to augment or fill in volume-deficient areas. Commonly grafted, or injected, areas include the hands, face (including the lips), depressions in the skin (following liposuction and scarring) and the breast and buttock (for augmentation). Of course, you must have donor sites from which fat can be taken. It is important that you do not have any circulation problems, either from a medical condition or smoking.

Facial fat transfer: If you have facial creases, such as laugh lines, smile lines, and crow’s-feet, fat can be removed from your abdomen, thighs, or other areas and be injected into your face. Acne scars and sunken areas of the face, lips, and cheeks can also be filled in. Your plastic surgeon can even use grafted fat to minimize lines between your nose and mouth, correct skin depressions or indentations and minimize forehead wrinkles.

Breast augmentation: If you desire a modest increase in breast size, you are a good candidate for fat grafting to the breast, but your breasts should already have a nice shape and good skin tone. If you have poor skin, sagging breasts, or want a significant increase in breast size, breast augmentation with fat transfer is not for you. The problem with only using fat for breast enhancement lies in getting large volumes of fat to predictably “take.”

Buttock augmentation with fat grafting: Many people who desire a fuller, more rounded buttock will opt for a “Brazilian butt lift,” which uses fat transfer to provide a more curvaceous buttock without the use of an implant. Liposuction is commonly used to both sculpt the surrounding area and collect the autologous fat to be injected

To find out more info on a fat transfer procedure or to book a consultation for fat transfer, please click the schedule now button below.

A top plastic surgeon serving Beverly Hills, Pomona, and Apple Valley, Our doctors remains at the forefront of innovations in the field of minimally-invasive procedures. Call (310)281-0154 to schedule a consultation and find out if fat transfer is right for you!

This article was written by Andrey Gordienko and Evan Morgan

Evan Morgan